Event Details

BUSINESS APPROACHES TO DAILY EMPLOYMENT ISSUES: from contracts and leave management to basic workplace health and safety

Join the Italian Chamber of Commerce discussing how to face daily employment issues, with a special focus around recent COVID developments, together with ICCIAUS Members and experts Employsure and Hitch Advisory.

In collaboration with:

ยท Hitch Advisory - the exclusive legal advisors to the Australian Retailers Association and its 8000+ retail members.

ยท Employsure - Australia's largest advice firm for small business on employees and WHS.


  • Olivia Hitchens (Principal at Hitch Advisory Pty Ltd)

    Olivia Hitchens

    Principal at Hitch Advisory Pty Ltd

    Olivia is widely regarded as Australia's leading expert on Retail Law - including in respect of consumer goods, franchising, fitness and beauty and hospitality. Olivia is the exclusive legal advisor to the Australian Retailers Association and regularly comments in the media on matters impacting Australian businesses. Olivia leads a team of expert lawyers in Sydney, Australia (operating domestically and internationally).

    view more
  • Lee Senft (Field Sales Manager at Employsure)

    Lee Senft

    Field Sales Manager at Employsure


Draft (EU) - HITCH Advisory webinar 8 July 2021.pngdownload